As a reputable Credentialing Service provider, Payers Connect acknowledges and ensures that all provisions and regulations under HIPAA, OSHA, or any state legislation in the United States concerning personal/private data, whether related to the privacy and security of health records or the financials of individuals or groups, are diligently followed and maintained within our operational processes. Payers Connect adheres strictly to patient information privacy and security rules.
All members of our credentialing and coding consortium, transcription teams, as well as our workforce and business affiliates, are committed to complying with HIPAA regulations and the Payers Connect HIPAA policies. Team members who work closely with patient health information receive training on privacy and security procedures for handling such data. Importantly, this information is disclosed to no one except our clients authorized to receive it and employees working on the client's account. Your data privacy and security are paramount to us at Payers Connect.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is a federal law designed to protect the privacy and security of individuals' health information. As a healthcare service provider specializing in medical credentialing services, Payers Connect understands the significance of complying with these regulations to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal health information.

Our Commitment to HIPAA Compliance

Secure Data Handling: Payers Connect employs robust security measures to protect your health information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. Our commitment to secure data handling includes the use of advanced encryption, secure servers, and stringent access controls.
Staff Training: Our team at Payers Connect is well-versed in HIPAA regulations, undergoing regular training sessions to stay updated on the latest developments. This ensures that everyone involved in handling your data understands and follows the necessary protocols.
Strict Access Controls: Access to your health information at Payers Connect is restricted to authorized personnel only, who require it for legitimate purposes. This helps prevent any unauthorized or unnecessary access to your sensitive data.
Data Encryption: All communications and transactions involving your health information at Payers Connect are encrypted, adding an extra layer of protection to prevent interception or unauthorized access during transmission.
Compliance Audits: Regular audits are conducted at Payers Connect to assess our systems and processes for compliance with HIPAA regulations. This proactive approach allows us to identify and address any potential issues promptly.
Data Retention Policies: Payers Connect adheres to strict data retention policies, ensuring that your health information is retained only for the necessary duration as HIPAA requires. Once the retention period concludes, we securely dispose of or delete the information.

Your Trust Matters

We understand the trust you place in Payers Connect regarding handling your health information. Rest assured that we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of HIPAA compliance to protect your privacy and confidentiality.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our HIPAA compliance practices, please feel free to reach out to us at:
Phone: +1 (832) 639-3922
Your peace of mind is our priority.
Visit our website at Payers Connect to learn more about our services.